Caribbean Marine Atlas - CMA2
TITLE: Caribbean Marine Atlas - CMA2
Category: /Business & Industrial/Business Operations
Domain Rank Percentile: 1
Front Page Language: en
All Languages: eng
Country: Global
Total Active URLs: 0
PAGE RANK : 29486378
CMA2 project look for create, charge and maintain a sustainable operationalization of an online digital “Caribbean Marine Atlas” technology platform in support of Integrated Coastal Zone Management - ICZM (with special attention to: coastal hazards, climate change, biodiversity and habitats, fisheries, land based sources of pollution) and Ecosystem-based Management for CLME. The platform is being piloted in selected countries for regional and national-level consultation and decision-making. Training, awareness building and dissemination activities are conducted. The CMA2 project builds upon the experience and lessons learnt in the CMA1 and SPINCAM Projects.